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What is the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2?

What is the delta variant of SARS-CoV-2?

Unfortunately, the global pandemic due to the SARS-CoV-2, which we will refer to as the new coronavirus here, is far from over. In fact, we are going into a new phase of the pandemic in large part due to mutations such as the delta variant.

The way that viruses survive is by mutating. This means that as they reproduce and spread there is a change in their genetic structure that occurs by chance due to the nature of this process. Usually, this change will make the virus stronger and more contagious. Mutations are a normal part of the life cycle of viruses, and generally occur at random and sporadically. These mutations are why we have to have a new influenza vaccine every year, and likely why we will need a repeat booster vaccination against the new coronavirus as well.

One of the mutations that have occurred to the new coronavirus, is called the delta variant. This mutated version of the new coronavirus was first identified in December of 2020 in India (2). Unfortunately, when a significant portion of the population is not already immunized either naturally via infection or artificially via vaccination against a virus then the virus has an opportunity to mutate and become more virulent and dangerous. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have declared this variant to be of concern, because of how it spreads more easily and causes more hospitalizations and deaths than the original new coronavirus. Furthermore, as of July 2021, the US is experiencing an increase of positive infections from SARS-CoV-2’s delta variant in nearly 90% of U.S jurisdictions, especially in areas with lower vaccination rates (1).


The vaccines that we have against the new coronavirus are not 100 percent effective in preventing infection, but they come pretty close and are the best tool that we have to protect ourselves as a society.  Along with social distancing, masks, and hand hygiene these vaccines serve as another effective layer of defense that we can use against this fight. There has been a huge push to make these vaccines as easily accessible as possible to people all over the country, but unfortunately, we have not hit our vaccination goal yet. The more time that goes by without people being vaccinated then the more time we are allowing the virus to have to continue to mutate. The worst case would be that our currently effective vaccines would prove to be ineffective against further mutations.


Along with the rest of the world, we are still learning more about the delta variant and its consequences. For now, we highly recommend that you get your vaccine if you have not already done so already as those who are unvaccinated are at the most risk of severe disease resulting in hospitalization and/or death. Looking at this with a public health lens, it is also important for those eligible to be vaccinated to do so in order to help those ineligible to be vaccinated and at high risk such as children under the age of 12 and those with compromised immune systems. Those who are already vaccinated should continue to be vigilant, and make sure to be on the lookout for future recommendations regarding the need for a booster vaccine.


1- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. COVID Data Tracker. 29 July 2021

2- Reardon, Sara. “How the Delta Variant Achieves Its Ultrafast Spread.”Nature News, Nature Publishing Group, 21 July 2021,

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